Phase 10: Kesh Me If You Can

Sorabat? Why are you still thinking about that place? We’re done with that. We’re moving on to bigger and better things. Well, we’re not really sure about bigger mostly because I’m unfamiliar with the area both cities encompass. We’re not really sure about better either since that’s pretty subjective.

Anyway, onto bigger and better things. Marrakesh.

We awoke in our newly revolutionized city, it even still had that newly revolutionized smell. Once our nostrils got accustomed to that musk, which is still as refreshing as ever, we decided it was time to make our leave. We boarded the earliest train out of that city, but to our dismay it seemed like every other person there had the same idea. I guess word got out that we were taking the party elsewhere and they wanted to come along. Can’t blame them. But this did make for an interesting train ride. And I use the word ‘ride’ loosely, as it was more standing than sitting. To get you into the right mindset, think about any concert you’ve been to but then make it indoors, and as cramped as possible so there’s only body heat radiating throughout the room, and then take the band that you went to see and replace it with an empty stage.

On the bright side, we found some supporters of the cause who had no hesitation to jump in and help. Not like we needed it but as the saying goes: why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free. It also helps having a local escort us around because Morocco is, for whatever reason, devoid of signs that tell you where you are. In fact, that’s the first order of business for all you cogs; put up some signs.

Somehow, somewhere along the way to our hideout, some anti-spy personnel managed to spot us and snatch one of our communication devices. This was an especially difficult stroke of bad luck as the device contained takeover tactics, points of contact, detailed information regarding our intentions to secure victory, and other espionage-related things. Unfortunately for that person, the device was set to self-destruct in the event that it fell into the wrong hands.

Nothing else really to note. We made it to our hidden hideout, deep within the medina. We walked around the main square, Djemaa El Fna, to get a sense of the local flavor. We had some orange juice from a street vendor, to get a sense of the local flavor. And, of course, we had some food, to get a sense of the local flavor. With Marrakesh’s flavor flav’d (yeah boiiiiii), we headed back to our hideout and made final preparations for our take over plan. We also got some well-deserved R&R.

Oh Dear!

Oh Dear!

My little bit of "personal" space

My little bit of “personal” space

Scenery Change

Scenery Change

Arrive in Marrakesh!

Arrive in Marrakesh!

Arriving to Djemaa El Fna Square

Arriving to Djemaa El Fna Square

At Djemaa El Fna Square with our new friend

At Djemaa El Fna Square with our new friend

Our New Friend, Najim

Our New Friend, Najim

Dinner of Couscous aux 7 legumes and chicken brochettes

Dinner of Couscous aux 7 legumes and chicken brochettes

Orange Juice Stand, they were everywhere

Orange Juice Stand, they were everywhere

Night Street Performers

Night Street Performers

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